Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Upcoming Workshop- Succeeding with Embedded Librarianship: How to Initiate, Develop, and Sustain New Relationships in Your Organisation

As part of the Australian Law Librarian’s Conference being held in Sydney from 23-25 September. ALLA is hosting a workshop on Monday 23rd September on Embedded Librarianship which will be run by David Shumaker.

Embedded Librarianship offers new opportunities for librarians to become better connected and more valuable than ever. Librarians in leading law firms and academic institutions are adopting the embedded model to upgrade their role in today’s always-on mobile digital information environment. Yet this new way of working poses unique challenges every step of the way: from initiation, through development, ultimately to sustaining the embedded model. The path to success holds obstacles and dead ends for the unwary. In this workshop, David Shumaker, author of The Embedded Librarian (Information Today, 2012) and blogger at www.embeddedlibrarian.com , provides a road map and helps you chart your own course to successful embedded librarianship.

The workshop will run from 9.30am to 1.30pm at Herbert Smith Freehills, 161 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

See the conference page for more information.