Friday, 20 January 2017

Info Online 2017: Meet The Locals!

Join ALIA Sydney and the NSW ALIA Students and New Graduates Group for pre-conference drinks and conversation. Come meet our local library professionals and make new friends.  Non-conference attendees and students welcome!

Where: Verge Bar, ArtHouse Hotel, 275 Pitt Street, Sydney
When: Monday 13th February from 6:30pm

Contact: ALIA Sydney on Twitter @ALIASyd or

Friday, 13 January 2017

Join Us! We're Looking for Committee Members in 2017

ALIA Sydney presents a selection of formal and informal professional development events to encourage discussion and critical engagement and create networking opportunities across the library and information sector in Sydney and beyond. The ALIA Sydney committee is a group of vibrant and committed volunteers who make it all happen. 

ALIA Sydney is currently looking for new committee members to join our team as Event Officers. On this Committee you will have the chance to develop skills in event and project management, and make vital professional connections -- plus you can have a lot of fun along the way! We welcome EOIs from all corners of the industry, including students.

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) should be received by COB Friday 27 January 2017. EOIs should briefly introduce yourself and cover the criteria for the role description. All EOIs and any questions should be directed to the current ALIA Sydney Co-Ordinator, Lauren Castan at

Role Description

 Event Officers x 2

This role helps make events happen. On a rotating basis, the Event Officers will be teamed up with a Coordinator to help with event organisation and management.

Events Officers are expected to:

·  Assist with the organisation of at least 2-3 events each year in conjunction with a Coordinator.
. Attend regular meetings with the Committee

Average Time Demand per month: 4 hours (prep plus actual events)

The interested person should:

·         Be, or be willing to become, a current member of ALIA.
·         Have an active interest in professional development with the Library & Information    Sector.
·         Maintain an active awareness of new issues and development within the sector. 
·         Have strong communication and collaboration skills. 

Info Online 2017: Registrations Closing Soon!

Registrations for ALIA Information Online 2017 at the Hilton Sydney close 30 January

Registrations are still open and with a jam packed program and  full exhibition, why not sign up to come and see your favourite industry partners and inspiring speakers.

Register TODAY!
Can’t make it to the full conference? You can still experience the conference by purchasing a day pass or by signing up for one of our workshops.

Program highlights

Haven’t registered for ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference yet? Here are more reasons you need to be there:
  •  Digital play pen – Don’t miss the opportunity to experience emerging technologies in these “hands on” daily sessions. Join The Brainary, Academy Xi and Makeway Lab to see, try and play with the latest technologies including NAO robot, virtual reality and 3D printing.
  • Another amazing keynote speaker – Professor Julian Thomas has been announced as the last in a packed schedule of innovation and engaging keynote speakers. Professor Thomas will be speaking about the digital divide that exists in Australia, The Australian Digital Index 2016 and how the library and information can sector respond to this research? View the full keynote line-up here.
  • Play along with us as we bring augmented and virtual reality to ALIA Information Online 2017. If that isn’t enough you can also win some amazing prizes!
  • Daily industry partner sessions – these are your chance to see the latest technologies, cutting edge trends and hot topics from our partners. Hear about what they do and what they can do for you.
  • Pre-conference workshops – with six workshops there is something for everyone. How about 'Wikimedia commons', 'Evaluating tools for data curation' or 'Digital tools and methods for digital humanities'? Places are limited and are selling fast.

Don't take our word for it..

You can’t afford to miss ALIA Information Online 2017. Don’t take our word for it, here are the reasons our program committee think you should be there

“Information online is an outstanding opportunity to talk to colleagues, be inspired, grill vendors and generally have a fabulous time. This year’s Information Online really puts customer experience to the fore – it really is a UX festival!” - Roxanne Missingham

“The program provides a good mixture of overseas and local papers, covering all library sectors and beyond. The keynotes will provide a well rounded outlook on the state of information and libraries around the world.” - Alison Neil