Saturday, 2 July 2011

A Big Thank You to Everyone!

After a day of rest, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to helping ALIA Sydney blog everyday in June. This includes our many fabulous guest bloggers from all over the world, the amazing Katrina McAlpine for coordinating the event, all of our committee members who contributed and helped keep things on track and of course, all our dear readers. Thank you all out there for your comments, sharing our content and being the reason ALIA Sydney exists. 

As we officially move into the second half of June we have 5 exciting new events planned which will be all advertised right here on our blog first and the blogging won't stop either as we  plan to continue to bring you plenty of original content from librarians and information, doing their thing right around the world. 

Stay Tuned. 

Kate Byrne

Convenor, ALIA Sydney

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