Tuesday 2 October 2012

ALIA Sydney Group Committee 2013

The ALIA Sydney Group Committee has been doing some planning for 2013, and there will be a number of vacancies on the committee, which we'll be looking to fill with enthusiastic library and information professionals who would like to get involved.

We'll be inviting people to put in Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for a variety of roles soon, so keep an eye out for this upcoming announcement. In the meantime, if you're interested in finding out more about what the ALIA Sydney Group does, and how our professional development events run, please come along to our next event, which will be held this Thursday 4th October at Parramatta Library and check it out for yourself!

We'll be discussing some of the more challenging and controversial issues facing libraries, from censorship to dealing with difficult customers, but the committee members will be more than happy to talk about what's involved with being an ALIA Sydney group committee member before and after the event.

If you're interested in organising professional development events for LIS professionals, interested in your own career and professional development and would like the opportunity to network, work alongside and meet lots of other LIS professionals, please consider putting in an EOI- we'd love to hear from you. Details will be released shortly.

If you're thinking about coming along to our next event, I've copied the details below:


The ALIA Sydney group is heading to Parramatta!
Come along and join us for a lively evening of discussion around some of the more controversial issues that libraries are facing. Details below:
Have you dealt with some tricky situations in the library where there was no black and white answer? Has someone challenged the inclusion of something in the library collection? Have you dealt with an unusual customer?
If you're interested in unpacking situations like these, developing strategies to address them and come up with solutions, then come along to ALIA Sydney's Shades of Grey workshop!
6.00-7.45pm Thursday 4 October
Darug Room
Parramatta City Library
Civic Place, Parramatta
ALIA members $5 entry, non members $7 entry
Special guests include
  • Philip Anderson from Wyong Library who implemented a Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgendered collection
  • Public Library Managers including Linda Bathur from Waverley and Debbie Best from Parramatta who will be talking about their experiences handling tricky situations including managing the homeless users of the library, managing young people in the library and maintaining the public image of their organisation
Following presentations from our guests you will participate in a workshop to discuss the issues and brainstorm some ideas so that YOU can help inform the decisions that affect your library.
Please RSVP to 
Light refreshments will be provided. 

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