Monday, 1 April 2013

Save the Date! 13 April 2013

Ever wanted to have a sneak peak at what other Libraries look like behind the scenes?

Well ALIA Sydney has been working in conjunction with the Macquarie University Library and Lane Cove City Council Library to organise a behind the scenes tour on Saturday the 13 April with the aforementioned libraries.

Both Macquarie University Library and Lane Cove Library have recently undergone some major renovations. Lane Cove Library has recently implemented a new OPAC system as well as upgrading their library space and in 2011 Macquarie University Library became the first Australian library to implement an Automated Storage And Retrieval System (ASRS). The ASRS involves some pretty cool machinery that was adapted from the automotive industry that retrieves an item on request.

If you are interested in joining us on these library tours they will be held consecutively on Saturday 13 April. Please register your interest by emailing us at


P.S. this is not an April Fools joke!

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