Tuesday 18 June 2013

NBN - A Brave New World

I am very excited to be involved in the Auburn Digital Hub. I commenced work as the NBN Coordinator – Digital Hub in December 2012, not knowing what to expect. I was in for a treat – learning new things, meeting new people, learning about the National Broadband Network and something called a “Digital Hub”.

What is a Digital Hub? Quite simply, it is an Australian Government program. It enables community-based computer training and internet access point containing a number of Internet ready computers. Auburn Council is now able to provide its community with digital literacy training and practical ways to gain skills and benefit from the National Broadband Network (NBN).

Auburn City Council Library opened its doors to its all-new Digital Hub beginning January this year. Free training sessions are held in the Digital Hub, where the public will have access to state of the art computers and equipment. Local residents will be able to attend a range of classes with two types of training available – group sessions and one-on-one teaching.

  • Computer Basics
  • Internet Basics
  • Introduction to Business Applications
  • E-Commerce
  • Internet Connectivity Options
  • Cyber Safety & Data Privacy 

Those that prefer a targeted approach can make bookings for one-on-one training sessions.

The Digital Hub also includes a separate “drop-in” centre where people can access the Internet for self-paced learning using sites such as, the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy’s purpose built website:

The Australian Government will provide $13.6 million in grant funding over three years from 2011-2012 to establish Digital Hubs in up to 40 communities. The program will help Auburn and surrounding communities take full advantage of the National Broadband Network. It will increase people’s online engagement by improving their level of confidence in accessing digital services. It will also provide key, easily accessible information on services that are currently available.

Group training calendars available in person at the Library or on the Auburn Council website, http://www.auburn.nsw.gov.au.

Members of the public are invited to attend these classes free of charge, but are advised to act quickly to avoid disappointment as places are limited! For further information on the National Broadband Network or Digital Hub and related training sessions, contact Auburn Library on 9735 1250.

Working on the Digital Hub program at Auburn Library has proved satisfying. My previous skills have come in very useful in this role, and the fact that I am working at the Library has given me further skills which no doubt will be useful in any future role in Libraries.

Sofia Silvestri

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting opportunity!

    It is great to see local communities getting the training required to make use of technology and the new NBN effectively.

    Hopefully other councils around Australia follow the lead of Auburn Council.
