Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Blog Every Day in June Day 10: It's #blogjune... don't worry, just write!

I can hear you thinking, How can it possibly be June again? That means it's time for Blog Every Day in June! Every day! aaaaahhh!

Don't worry, the ALIA team is here to help!

Here are three ideas for blog posts:

1. Your experience at a conference, event, or on the job

2. Book, game, or software review
3. What excites you about the library and information industry

And three stress-reducing facts:

1. There's no word count you need to hit, and no reference list is needed (unless you want to).
2. No need to worry about reaching for a Distinction or High Distinction. Just write!
3. If you contribute to the ALIA Sydney blog, you don't need to write all 30 posts yourself.
Bonus:  You don't have to set up your own blog! We're happy to host you.

Q: How do I contribute to the blog?

A: Either email us, reply to this post, or send us a tweet @ALIASyd, and we'll get in touch. We'll happily take Word docs or, if you're HTML-inclined, formatted posts.

You can sign up for a specific day in June, or just send us a post and we'll pop it in the queue.

Happy #blogjune, everybody!

-Julia Garnett
ALIA NSW State Manager

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