Thursday 19 February 2015

Meet your 2015 committee : Event Officers

Today we meet our two new Event Officers for 2015, welcome to the team Eleanor and Anne!

Eleanor Gerrard
Events Officer
Hi I'm Eleanor. I just completed a BA in Communication (Information & Media) and in International Studies at the UTS which included a year in Tokyo, Japan. I’m interested in library and information services across a wide range of areas including law, government, public and specialist services. 
In addition to volunteering at Hurstville Library, Museum & Gallery and at the Japan Foundation, I joined ALIA Sydney to gain invaluable industry experience and knowledge that will help me in my future career. 
I’m looking forward my role as a great opportunity to engage with like-minded professionals and contribute to providing professional development opportunities within the field. I hope to meet lots of new people at the next ALIA Sydney event! 

Anne Reddacliff
Events Officer
I'm Anne and if I was a character in a book I’d be Lily Briscoe from To the Lighthouse or Gerty Farish in The House of Mirth. It depends on the reader. I used to read a lot. Now I’m working full-time as a librarian and moonlighting as a PhD candidate. All I read are journal articles, conference papers and Twitter. I can’t tell you my hobbies include sailing a yacht across Sydney Harbour but I like movies and I once saw Julianne Moore in a park in Greenwich Village. 

I joined ALIA Sydney because I thought it would be a good networking opportunity and I wanted to become more involved in my profession. I look forward to meeting lots of lovely people at ALIA Sydney events. Please say hi, I’ll be the girl in the Emily Green necklace.

You can reach us, and the rest of the committee, at

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