Tuesday 2 June 2015

Blog Every Day in June Day 2: Seven reasons to come to NLS7 – by Hiba Kanj (NGG Convenor)

We are lucky to have Hiba, ALIA’s National New Graduate Group Coordinator, tell us about the positive influence that attending NLS has had on her professional development. Check out her seven values of NLS below.
This peice was originally posted to the NLS7 blog with the title 'The value of attending and speaking at NLS'.
  1.  Peer networking. As the Convener of the NGG I was always communicating and meeting library professionals via email, Twitter and Facebook. At NLS, I was able meet my fellow professionals and create some long lasting work relationships that are sustained through social media and also establish a great peer network. 
  2. Oh the places you’ll go! NLS is a chance to visit another city and explore new museums and libraries you haven’t had the chance to see. Taste what the city has to offer for the library professional. Take tours of the landscape and the libraries, archives, digital hubs and makerspaces and have the chance to ask questions.
  3. Have a Librarian crush! NLS is your chance to meet some of the most experienced industry professionals, rub shoulders with movers and shakers and, heck, even ask for a job! Meet leaders in their field of expertise and an opportunity to share experience, innovation and knowledge, develop better contacts with industry experts.
  4. Making the boss happy! NLS is a chance to really immerse yourself in information activity that is happening now. It is fresh and raw and new professionals are just itching to try it out when they get back to work but make libraries more diverse and more technically advanced.
  5. PD perfection. Keeping up with job knowledge and current skills and aligning them to your workplace learning and development proposals. NLS helped me think about my library’s commitment to employees and customers.
  6. Joining/Being part of NGG – It is not easy being a bright eyed new graduate or student. Joining a group that supports and creates an atmosphere for new graduates is RAD! Becoming a coordinator in your state allows you to engage in things that new graduates need as well as meeting the most amazing people on the face of the planet. Being part of an organization that supports new professionals.'
  7. Taking charge of your leadership. Attending and especially speaking at an NLS conference gives you the ability to really shine and take a lead but also do this in a supportive and welcoming environment.

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