Monday 19 October 2015

Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference this week

The annual Library 2.015 Worldwide Virtual Conference begins this week, from 7am Sydney time on Tuesday 20th for Teacher Librarian Day, and then rest of the conference to follow on the next day.

This year there a five keynote or distinguished speakers, the first of which is at 1am on Wednesday morning, and the conference continues through until 1pm on the same day. There are presenters from all around the world, including Australia, so have a look through the schedule.

Join in, via their Blackboard Collaborate set up, or via twitter using #lib2015. There is plenty to explore. However, if you find that real life is interrupting your virtual conference attendance, there are always recordings made that become accessible shortly after the conference.

Hope you find something that tickles your fancy. Here is the link

Lauren Castan

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