Tuesday 7 May 2013

Save the date - Advocate, Promote, Brand. Your Profession, Your Organisation, Yourself

Unsure how to get your name or the name of your library out there?

We at ALIA Sydney have been hard at work to help get you on the right path. We have sought out some of the most experienced individuals in and out of libraryland to share their tips and tricks when it comes to advocating, promoting and branding yourself, your career and your library.

Confirmed Speakers:
  • Sue McKerracher (ALIA Executive Director) shares her tips on advocacy
  • Michael Gonzalez (Manager Digital Discovery & Services at UWS Library) talks to us about strategically promoting and rebranding your library and resources 
  • Cecilia Kluger (Principal and Founder of CK Design) discusses branding your library
  • Julia Garnett on marketing yourself online

This is an ALIA Sydney event that can't be missed no matter what stage of your career you are at or where you work. 

Register your interest at aliasydneygroup@gmail.com and join us on Monday 27 May 2013 at Parramatta City Library.

Essential Information

27 May 2013
6pm for a 6.15pm start
Parramatta City Library (Darug Room)
$7 (members) $10 (non-members)
