Thursday 6 February 2014

Realistic Resolutions

By the start of February most of us have already given up on going to the gym every day, eating better, drinking less... but with the start of the Lunar Year, what better time to get real about making resolutions.

We here at ALIA Sydney are challenging you to make just one achievable resolution right now:

Eat chocolate.

What - why?
Um, why not?
But seriously. Because this is the first step in taking charge of your career.

We're glad you asked.
All you need to do is eat chocolate WITH US.

This year, ALIA Sydney want to plan our events around what YOU need for YOUR career!
So, we'll be at the Metcentre's Max Brenner on Wednesday 5 March from 6.30pm waiting to talk with you (and possibly eating all the chocolate).
This is not just a chance to eat chocolate (and tell us what we can do to make our events awesomer for you), but to meet other fabulous chocolate-loving library people.

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