Monday 18 April 2011

Mobile strategy for museums and culture

In Sydney tomorrow evening and have a couple of hours to catch up on some cutting edge developments for museums and cultural institutions? Book in and pop over to this great talk at the Powerhouse Museum Book Here
Mobile strategy for museums and culture
Did you know the first wireless museum audio guide dates as far back as 1952 (at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam)? Museums have had a long and productive history of innovation in interpretative technologies.
Now in the world of the mobile web, Apps, augmented reality - how are museums and the cultural sector pushing beyond the delivery of multimedia gallery tours? What new possibiltiies exist for new forms of learning experiences? And what of visitor-contributions - be it historical annotations and citizen science? Where do e-books and digital exhibition catalogues fit?
Should these be in-sourced or out-sourced? Or built through public-private partnerships? And are there new revenue models to fund these?

About the speaker
Nancy Proctor heads up mobile strategy and initiatives for the Smithsonian Institution. With a PhD in American art history and a background in filmmaking, curation and art criticism, Nancy Proctor published her first online exhibition in 1995. She co-founded in 1998 with Titus Bicknell to present virtual tours of innovative exhibitions alongside comprehensive global museum and gallery listings. TheGalleryChannel was later acquired by Antenna Audio, where Nancy headed up New Product Development from 2000-2008, introducing the company’s multimedia, sign language, downloadable, podcast and cellphone tours. She also led Antenna’s sales in France from 2006-2007, and worked with the Travel Channel’s product development team. From 2008-2010 she was Head of New Media at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Nancy leads program development for the Museums Computer Network (MCN) and co-organizes the Tate Handheld conferences. She also manages, its wiki and podcast series, and is Digital Editor of Curator: The Museum Journal.

Arriving at the event
This FREE talk takes place in the Target Theatre on Level 2 of the Powerhouse Museum. Attendees will need to enter through the main Powerhouse entrance and present their event ticket to gain entry. Please arrive by 415pm to ensure that you can find the Theatre and be seated in time for a 430pm start.

Nancy Proctor's talk is made possible because of the generous support of Museum3 and RMIT's Transformations in Cultural Communication conference.

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