Monday 11 June 2012

Dream and discovery

three different tools
Three different tools: planning social media for ALIA Biennial
All rights reserved by ALIAbiennial
This is a month to #dream and for #discovery.  These themes are from two collaborations which I am involved in, which are also participating in #blogjune.. 

The #dream theme comes from the National Year of Reading twitter reading group which has a monthly reading theme based on the flowers in the logo.  This is the second year of a twitter reading group run by the New South Wales Readers Advisory Working Group.  This is a reading group which any library can promote to their readers, as if they had done all the work.  The themes are listed on the blog and each of the months has a description which libraries can link to, repurpose, or reuse on their own blog, facebook or other social media tool.  Libraries are using these themes for in library events and services such as face to face reading groups and story times.

Planning for the twitter reading group for 2013 will take place in Wagga on 19 June.  Ideas are being collected on the Readers Advisory wiki so you can add your suggestions for next year.  We plan early so that people can use the themes for their face to face reading groups. 

Your library can participate by promoting the reading group in whatever way works for your library clients.  You can participate by tweeting your reading during the month, or joining the end of month discussion which starts at 8.00pm on 26 June, come along for a few tweets, or many, and share reading which makes you #dream.

The #discovery theme is the conference theme for the ALIA Biennial conference. I am on the conference committee and am chairing the social media team.  Those of us on the social media team decided we would really go with the theme of discovery so we are trying different ways for people to interact via social media prior to the conference.  You can see the various tools we are experimenting with here.  You can read about the #discovery on the ALIA Biennial blog.  Join us in the discovery.

Ellen Forsyth

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