a Science and Technology Librarian I embrace new technologies with teaching as
the main focus of my expertise. This keeps me busy. The curriculum is delivered
in a wide range of modalities; online, web, and face to face. I have
developed strong negotiation and consultation skills with the PC, the Mac,
my android phone and the I Pad.Working
in a fast paced culturally diverse environment such as a University with a wide
range of students means they have new equipment and gadgets every year. But
this year has been different again. The University of Technology
in Sydney has several new and enthralling buildings!
Ranging from the glamorous Dr Chau Chak Wing Building to the new
Library Library’s new automated retrieval system (LRS), 2015 has been a
big year and it’s still just May.Keeping
a balance between the Library’s
collection of print and e-resources for the Faculties and students is a
challenge but by embracing new technologies can be fun and engaging. We also
have our brand new interactive Games room ready to be used! Jackie

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