Wednesday 19 March 2014

Meet your 2014 committee : Event Officers

This year we have a new committee, so we thought it would be nice to say hi and let you know a little about us! 

I am Lauren, one of the ALIA Sydney Event Officers. I'm currently studying at TAFE Ultimo and hope to be a fully fledged Library Technician by the end of this year. I'm studying part time, I have two primary school aged children, and I work part time for a migration lawyer. I play and umpire netball, and this year am coaching two teams of 6 and 7 year olds. I had a pre children career in money market trading but I don't miss it. I volunteer at Hurstville City Library Museum Gallery, and I love their graphic novel collection.

I joined ALIA Sydney at the beginning of 2012, replying to their call for new committee members, and hoping to learn a bit about the library sector in Sydney. I expected to feel a bit like an unqualified interloper, and be relegated to the lowliest jobs, but that wasn't the case at all. I have learned so much about different libraries and issues library staff are facing, and meeting librarians from every different type of library, as well as other students has been a real benefit for me both in terms of my study, and my understanding of the local industry. I try to attend events with the Lib Techs, as well as ALIA Sydney, and have always been delighted by how welcoming everyone is.

So I say to all the students out there, especially if you're studying online, don't be shy, come along to some events even if you are on your own. We're very friendly and work hard to provide interesting and useful events.

Lauren Castan, 
Event Officer, ALIA Sydney

Hi my name is Tracey McDonald, I’m a Library Technician and CSU student. I have been an ALIA member since 2009 (joining as a student Library Technician). 

My association with ALIA and its members have provided me with encouragement and support for my professional development and career aspirations. Serving on the ALIA Sydney committee gives me the opportunity to return the favour. ALIA Sydney does a great job of providing affordable professional development activities and I’m looking forward to being on the 2014 team.

Tracey McDonald, 
Event Officer, ALIA Sydney

You can reach us, and the rest of the committee, at

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